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Voz pasiva en inglés: ejercicios para practicar

Ya te contamos en artículos anteriores cómo formar la voz pasiva en inglés. Si aún necesitas un poco de práctica, prueba con estos ejercicios. Tienes las soluciones al final.

Descargable gratuito:  La voz pasiva y causativa en inglés

Fill in the gaps

Escribe las palabras que faltan en las siguientes oraciones. Fíjate en el ejemplo:

  1. Children are taught not to shout in public.
  2. Taxes ___________ raised last year.
  3. I ___________ told not to go back to the place.
  4. You _________ hit by a football.
  5. She _________ accused of fraud.
  6. We _________ rewarded for our good grades.


Active to passive

Pasa las siguientes oraciones a voz pasiva. Fíjate en el ejemplo o repasa el esquema si lo necesitas:

  1. The dog chased the cat > The cat was chased (by the dog).
  2. Our designers created the new logo last week.
  3. The school is hiring new teachers.
  4. We built the house twenty years ago.
  5. We had cleaned the house after the party.
  6. They will give you the information later.
  7. The firefighters put out the fire.
  8. Our children found the ring.
  9. The scientists developed a new talking robot.
  10. The biologist brought the strange insect to the lab.
  11. They only printed 500 copies of the book.
  12. I think they will find the cure for cancer.
  13. We have repaired many cars this year.
  14. The shop has raised the prices of many products.
  15. We might bring the students in for a surprise exam.
  16. The composers can’t write the song in twenty minutes.



Fill in the gaps

Hay más de una respuesta posible. Si no tienes claro si la tuya está bien, consúltalo.

  1. Taxes were raised last year.
  2. I was told not to go back to the place.
  3. You were hit by a football.
  4. She was/is being/will be accused of fraud.
  5. We were/will be rewarded for our good grades.


Active to passive

  1. The new logo was created (by our designers) last week.
  2. New teachers are being hired (by the school).
  3. The house was built twenty years ago.
  4. The house had been cleaned after the party.
  5. The information will be given to you later/You will be given the information later.
  6. The fire was put out.
  7. The ring was found.
  8. A new talking robot was developed.
  9. The strange insect was brought to the lab.
  10. Only 500 copies of the book were printed.
  11. I think the cure for cancer will be found.
  12. Many cars have been repaired this year.
  13. Prices of many products have been raised.
  14. Students might be brought in for a surprise exam.
  15. Songs can’t be written in twenty minutes.


Si quieres seguir, prueba a hacer más ejercicios de voz pasiva en inglés o a identificar estructuras pasivas en textos. También te proponemos otro ejercicio: elige textos simples y pasa algunas oraciones a pasiva. Después, utiliza la guía que prefieras para corregir las frases. ¡Buena suerte!


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