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Causative form en inglés: ejercicios para practicar

¿Qué son los causativos?

Los causativos son un tipo de construcción que usamos para hablar y peticiones y encargos: uno de los puntos de gramática más complicados del inglés.

Te proponemos estas actividades para que lo repases en contexto.


Descargable gratuito:  La voz pasiva y causativa en inglés


Causative sentences

Por si no recuerdas la estructura del causativo, aquí tienes un breve resumen de las cuatro formas en que podemos usarlo, con ejemplos:

Have something done: subject + have + object + past participle

She had the car washed.

Get something done: subject + get + object + past participle

He got his hair cut.
Have someone do something: subject + have + person + infinitive

We had the gardener trim the bushes.

Get someone to do something: subject + get + person + to + infinitive

He got the students to prepare a presentation.


Para empezar a practicar, reescribe las siguientes frases, utilizando la palabra que aparece entre paréntesis:

  1. I translated the documents. (have) 
  2. I fixed my washing machine. (get) 
  3. I mowed the lawn. (have) 
  4. I painted my bedroom. (get) 
  5. I repaired my fridge. (have) 
  6. I tidied my garden. (get) 
  7. I edited the article. (have) 
  8. I cleaned the carpets. (get) 
  9. I printed the photo. (have) 



  1. I had the documents translated. 
  2. I had my washing machine fixed.
  3. I had the lawn mowed.
  4. I got my bedroom painted.
  5. I had my fridge repaired.
  6. I got my garden tidied.
  7. I had the article edited.
  8. I got the carpets cleaned.
  9. I had the photo printed.


To-do list

Vamos a ponerlo un poco más difícil. Aquí tienes la agenda de una persona que está abriendo una cafetería. Primero, completa su lista de tareas con otras dos actividades que crees que puedan hacerle falta.


  • Monday

8:00 — Paint walls

10:00 — Clean blinds

12:00 — Furniture delivery

17:00 — Print sample menus


  • Tuesday

8:00 — Make customized furniture

10:00 — Fit sockets

12:00 — Install lights

17:00 — Send missing kitchen appliances


  • Wednesday

8:00 — Order pot plants?

10:00 — Fit beer dispenser

12:00 — Select new staff members

17:00 — Clean main room


  • Thursday

8:00 — Polish floor

10:00 — Check kitchen appliances

12:00 — Decorate café

17:00 — Print final menus


Ahora, escribe con oraciones completas todo lo que necesita hacer, usando el causativo solo cuando sea necesario. Aquí tienes un ejemplo:

  • She needs to get her hair cut.
  • She is having the lights installed on Tuesday.


Recuerda usar los tiempos verbales correctos para cada caso. Hay varias opciones posibles, así que ¡échale imaginación!



Aquí tienes unas cuantas respuestas posibles. Recuerda, puede haber más respuestas correctas.

  • She is having the walls painted on Monday.
  • She is getting the blinds cleaned at 10.
  • She is having the furniture delivered at midday.
  • She needs to get the sample menus printed in the evening.
  • She is having the customized furniture made.
  • She is going to have the sockets fitted on Tuesday morning.
  • She wants to get the lights installed on Tuesday.
  • On Tuesday, she is having the missing kitchen appliances sent.
  • She might order some pot plants.
  • She is going to have the beer dispenser fitted.
  • She is going to select the new staff members.
  • She needs to get the main room cleaned by Wednesday evening.
  • On Thursday, she is getting the floor polished.
  • At 10, she is going to have the kitchen appliances checked.
  • She is going to decorate the café at midday.
  • She is having the final menus printed on Thursday evening.


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