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¿Cuál es el pasado de born? Aquí toda la conjugación

En inglés los verbos tienen un gran protagonismo y dominar su uso es esencial para tu aprendizaje. Uno de esos verbos que debes aprender es el verbo born. ¿Conoces la conjugación y las formas de pasado de born? ¡No te pierdas toda la conjugación!

¿Cuál es el pasado de born?

Aunque no se trata de un verbo irregular cuyas formas y conjugación varíen mucho, sí es cierto que el verbo born tiene ciertas particularidades. Despeja junto a nosotros todas tus dudas.

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El verbo born en inglés significa nacer. Es un verbo sencillo pero que en inglés contiene algo de complejidad. ¿De dónde provienen estas características? En inglés se suele decir “ser nacido” y no “nacer” como en castellano. Lo que quiere decir que sujeto y los complementos son diferentes, ya que en inglés se usa como verbo pasivo. Veamos algunos ejemplos para que la explicación sea más clara:

Nacer = To be born

  • En español decimos:
    ¿Dónde naciste? O ¿dónde has nacido?
  • Mientras que en inglés usamos la siguiente estructura:
    Where were you born?

El pasado de born es en realidad el pasado de to be born.

  • I was born in 1981. – Nací en 1981.

Como vemos el significado literal es “yo fui nacido”. Es decir, el sujeto de la acción no es la persona que viene al mundo.

Conjugación del pasado de born y más formas

Una vez has entendido su uso, la conjugación y el pasado de born no tendrán mayor misterio para ti. ¿Conoces cómo conjugar el verbo to be? Añade born a las formas de esta conjugación y obtendrás toda la conjugación del verbo born. ¿Sencillo, verdad?

Aquí tienes una tabla de toda la conjugación para que tengas una referencia, incluyendo las formas de pasado de born.


I am born

you are born

he/she/it is born

we are born

you are born

they are born

Past simple

I was born

you were born

he/she/it was born

we were born

you were born

they were born

Present continuous

I am being born

you are being born

he/she/it is being born

we are being born

you are being born

they are being born

Present perfect

I have been born

you have been born

he/she/it has been born

we have been born

you have been born

they have been born


I will be born

you will be born

he/she/it will be born

we will be born

you will be born

they will be born

Future perfect

I will have been born

you will have been born

he/she/it will have been born

we will have been born

you will have been born

they will have been born

Past continuous

I was being born

you were being born

he/she/it was being born

we were being born

you were being born

they were being born

Past perfect

I had been born

you had been born

he/she/it had been born

we had been born

you had been born

they had been born

Future continuous

I will be being born

you will be being born

he/she/it will be being born

we will be being born

you will be being born

they will be being born

Present perfect continuous

I have been being born

you have been being born

he/she/it has been being born

we have been being born

you have been being born

they have been being born

Future perfect continuous

I will have been being born

you will have been being born

he/she/it will have been being born

we will have been being born

you will have been being born

they will have been being born

Past perfect continuous

I had been being born

you had been being born

he/she/it had been being born

we had been being born

you had been being born

they had been being born

Frases ejemplo pasado de born

La mejor manera de interiorizar y aprender los conceptos en inglés, en este caso el pasado de born, es leyendo, escribiendo y entendiendo algunos ejemplos de frases:

  • I was born in Bristol. – Nací en Bristol.
  • When will her baby be born? – ¿Cuándo nacerá su bebé?
  • They thought we were born in Australia because of our English accent. – Ellos pensaban que nosotros nacimos en Australia por nuestro acento inglés.

Practica el pasado de born y avanza en tu aprendizaje del inglés. And you? When were you born? ¿Nos lo cuentas en los comentarios?


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