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Terry Mclean visita What’s up!

El pasado jueves contamos con la visita del británico Terry McLean, personal coach de futbolistas y personajes de élite, el cual nos deleitó con una charla para potenciar nuestra seguridad y sacar lo mejor de nosotros mismos. Más de 70 estudiantes y no estudiantes se interesaron por este evento gratuito, que seguro repetiremos dado el gran éxito e interés suscitado.

Terry nos cuenta en primera persona cuáles son los secretos de su éxito y cómo ha mezclado en su particular coctelera pinceladas de su experiencia en el mundo artístico, humorístico y educativo para crear un lenguaje cercano y ameno que imprime en cada charla, siendo siempre un placer verlo y escucharlo en directo:

“Bringing together a wealth of varied experience from Education, Theatre, TV, Music and corporate entertainment it is in the field of training, coaching and Motivational Speaking that i have found my true passion and direction in life.

The value I bring to my Workshops and public speaking engagements lies in the eclectic nature of the approaches, techniques, style and tone that my background and trajectory allow – thus enabling me to work with a high negree of flexibility to adapt and tailor my offering to your precise needs.

Whether the audience be a multilingual and multicultural corporate sales force, a multi – discipline group of empresarios/small Business owners, a highly demanding Management Board, a challenging group of Key Opinion Leaders or a team of sceptical aspiring professional footballers, my Interactive, practical and inspirational style guarantees audience involvement, engagement and above all, learning.

My years on the fringe stand up comedy circuit in Barcelona also mean that humour is never very far away when you are working in a Workshops or in the auditorium with me.”



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