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Interview with Silvia Nicolàs | Baking Cookies

A few days ago we had the sweetest event of the year at What’s Up! Sabadell. We hosted Silvia Nicolàs who showed us how to bake the best butter cookies ever. 

Breaking the ice…  

  • Current Location: Castellar del Vallès, Catalonia.
  • Hometown: Sabadell, Catalonia.
  • Top Bookmarks: for recipes: jamieoliver.com, sweetsugarbelle.com, marthasteward.com
  • Recommended read: for English learners: the Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More, by Roald Dahl.
  • Inspired by: all those people who are passionate with the things they do.
  • Tea or coffee?: black tea with a cloud of milk.

How long have you been baking cakes and cookies? Where did you learn how to cook? 

I was introduced to the world of baking after a trip to the United States in 2005. In NYC I was delighted by the bakeries and sweet treats New Yorkers enjoyed, so I bought a Muffin Recipe book and I tried some recipes when I got back home. The muffins turned out delicious and everybody loved them, so I also started baking cakes, cookies and cupcakes, especially for birthdays, celebrations and other gatherings. Lots of people were asking me for the recipes, so I decided to open a blog in order to share them in 2011. The address of the blog is cupcakesbysilvia.blogspot.com, and although it’s been a while since I last updated it, lots of people still enter to get my recipes. The most popular is the butter cookie recipe, as it’s one of the easiest, funnest and most delicious. You’ll find all the recipes in Catalan and in English.

Do you have a «signature dessert» or star dish you enjoy cooking?  

I really enjoy making cupcakes. They are small, cute and delicious and can be very creative. I know different techniques for decorating them and they are really fun to make. 

What did you enjoy most at What’s Up! Sabadell with our students?

Some students didn’t know much about cooking or baking, so it was fun seeing their faces when it came to making the recipe.  

How was it teaching in English?

It didn’t feel like teaching in English because we were all talking about cookies and doughs and techniques, but I know this is the best way to teach and also learn and practice. It is in real situations that the learning becomes more significant. 
Is English a helpful skill when learning to cook? Why? It is very helpful because it allows you to read, watch or follow recipes from cooks all around the world and learn about other cultures, other cuisines, etc. 

Any advice you’d like to share with anyone wanting to become a pastry chef?  

I have three tips: practice makes perfect, so don’t give up if a recipe doesn’t come out as you expected. Also, never stop exploring and learning. Finally, share what you bake with others! 

Thank you very much Silvia! 

The What’s up! Team.

Si quieres aprender inglés de una vez por todas y poder realizar el viaje de tus sueños sin importarte el idioma… no lo dudes ¡Apúntate a la English Revolution de la academia de inglés What’s up! Sabadell

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